When we use the currency format on the reporting TextBox, there is no way to set the flow direction of the (wpf)TextBox.
As you can see on the attached image the currency mark is located right to the value.
When I use a wpf tool, such as snoop, i can see that when i set the flow direction leftToRight, the format is alligned as expected.
is there a way to change the flow direction of the (wpf)TextBox that is eventually generated by the report?
or, is there a way to allign it in another way?
When we use the currency format on the reporting TextBox, there is no way to set the flow direction of the (wpf)TextBox.
As you can see on the attached image the currency mark is located right to the value.
When I use a wpf tool, such as snoop, i can see that when i set the flow direction leftToRight, the format is alligned as expected.
is there a way to change the flow direction of the (wpf)TextBox that is eventually generated by the report?
or, is there a way to allign it in another way?