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csv datasource gives error 'Failed to convert parameter value from a Object[] to a String'

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Report Designer (standalone)
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Richard asked on 07 Mar 2018, 11:16 AM


Currently i am working with the Telerik standalone report designer to generate a report. The report consists of a crosstab table which is populated by a stored procedure. One of the parameters for the stored procedure is a column name (string) which the user should be able to choose from a list of options.

What i am trying to do is populate the list of column names (strings) of which the user can choose from with a csv datasource. The list is actually a TextBox for which the DataSource is set. The column names are shown, but when the Preview button is clicked on the report gives an error:

"An error has occurred while processing Table 'table1':

Failed to convert parameter value from a Object[] to a String.


Object must implement IConvertible."

Because i want to set everything in the designer itself and do not want to use c# code how can i do this?



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answered on 09 Mar 2018, 01:13 PM
Hello Richard,

Can you provide screenshot of the designer where you're using the fields and the what is the datatype of the column you want to display ? I'm not sure about this but isn't there any option that you could convert your column to string in the query ?
Most of the time I follow the same approach as this is quite faster way to fix things.
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answered on 09 Mar 2018, 01:30 PM

Hi Muhammad,

One of the ReportParameters is OrderByClause. This is a string (TextBox) and suppose to display the list of strings retrieved from the csv datasource. I have created a CSV datasource using the second tab 'Enter CSV as text' and entered: Column1, Column2, Column3 etc. In the properties of the OrderByClause i have set the following value: AvailableValues.ValueMember = Fields.Column1.

The string is displayed in the OrderByClause textbox (it has been turned into a dropdownlist) with the strings Column1, Column2 and Column3. However, when i select one of them and click Preview the error message appears.


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answered on 24 May 2019, 04:58 PM

Hi Richard, 

if you are selecting multiple values from the list or drop-down.

check your data source -->  parameters --> values.

You may have set your data source parameter like this 

= Parameters.SalesParameter.Value

You might wanna join the multiple values like this.

=Join(",", Parameters.SalesParameter.Value)



Report Designer (standalone)
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