I've succesfully got a crosstab working where each row contains the date and number of log-on's for that date which is taken for a dataset containing a single table, e.g.
Date, LogOns
01/01/2012, 500
02/01/2012, 541
03,01,2012, 234
I'm now trying to expand this so that I now have an addition dataset which contains number of tables where each table contains a breakdown for each day
//Breakdown table for 01/01/2012
Time, Count
1am, 30
2am, 50
and so forth
//Breakdown table for 02/01/2012
Time, Count
1am, 90
2am, 10
and so forth
// same for Breakdown table for 03/01/2012
The problem I'm having is that all of my bar charts only use the first table in my new datasource rather than the chart in row 1 using the first table, chart in row 2 using the 2nd table and so forth. Is there a way to automatically specify that each new row uses the next table in the datasource? Or am i going to have to create the crosstab and all of its comments manually in code by iterting through each table and adding new rows each time?
many thanks,
I've succesfully got a crosstab working where each row contains the date and number of log-on's for that date which is taken for a dataset containing a single table, e.g.
Date, LogOns
01/01/2012, 500
02/01/2012, 541
03,01,2012, 234
I'm now trying to expand this so that I now have an addition dataset which contains number of tables where each table contains a breakdown for each day
//Breakdown table for 01/01/2012
Time, Count
1am, 30
2am, 50
and so forth
//Breakdown table for 02/01/2012
Time, Count
1am, 90
2am, 10
and so forth
// same for Breakdown table for 03/01/2012
The problem I'm having is that all of my bar charts only use the first table in my new datasource rather than the chart in row 1 using the first table, chart in row 2 using the 2nd table and so forth. Is there a way to automatically specify that each new row uses the next table in the datasource? Or am i going to have to create the crosstab and all of its comments manually in code by iterting through each table and adding new rows each time?
many thanks,