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CrossTab Design Issue

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Kishor asked on 25 Apr 2019, 09:56 AM

Dear All,


I created a cross tab report that results in a single grid that is sometimes longer than one page. When it is less than one page, the cross-tab grid begins on page one. But when it is greater than one page, it leaves the first page blank and starts on the second page. How do I make it start on the First page regardless?
I removed the "keep together" in the section expert and I was told about a "Keep Object Together" in the Cross tab expert but I did not find it in there but I did find a "keep columns together". But none of that fix it.

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Ivan Hristov
Telerik team
answered on 30 Apr 2019, 08:23 AM
Hi Kishor,

The property that controls the appearance of the crosstab on a single page is called Keep Together - check the attached screenshot for reference. You need to set it to False in order to make the crosstab always start from the first page. Please review the following article that explain how Keep Together works: Paging and Keep Together.

Hope this helps.

Ivan Hristov
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Ivan Hristov
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