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Crosstab - Grouping and Sorting

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Prashant asked on 10 Apr 2019, 01:13 PM


I am generating report using Telerik Reporting v13.0 

But facing some issue with sorting Crosstab.

Please find attached screens, where I have grouped Crosstab by "City" and wanted Sorting by "Name" ASC but that is not working

Grouped by City - Philadelphia (that is working)

But under this Group all record should sort by name 


- Globant

- Cognizant

Expected order should be Cognizant then CUP and then Globant , but that is not working


Thank you!



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Telerik team
answered on 15 Apr 2019, 09:30 AM
Hello Prashant,

If you want to sort the Crosstab both by name and city, there are two options which are demonstrated in the attached report:

1) you can add Sortings to the data source of the Crosstab (demonstrated in the upper Crosstab). To do this mark the Crosstab -> from the properties grid -> Data -> Sortings (check the first screenshot). In this case, the data will be directly sorted and there is no need to set Sorting on the rows/columns of the Crosstab.

2) the second option is to set the Sorting by the name in the detail group. Check the second screenshot. In this way, the defined detail of the group will be sorted.

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