Create bookmark in report that points to an external PDF that will be stitched at the end

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Rendering Report Designer (standalone)
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Steve asked on 06 Sep 2022, 08:34 PM

I would like to know if Telerik has a solution for this challenge that we are running into. I have a Telerik Report that our system will automatically export into a PDF, but users have an option to click a checkbox and additional PDFs from the current objects children will be stitched onto the end of the PDF report. So the report itself might be 10 pages, and then our application will then stitch on an additional 5 PDF files that are 2 pages each (totaling 20 pages).

Is there a way to place bookmarks in the main report, that will be able to link to the PDF files that are stitched onto the end of the report?

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commented on 07 Sep 2022, 01:04 PM

I'm unsure about the dynamic report generation aspect, but you may wish to try using a Report Book (.trbp) to consolidate the different pages (essential different Reports in .trdp format) into one cohesive export. I imagine you could set an expression for the BookmarkID field in the individual Report files that generates bookmarks in the Book on export.
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commented on 07 Sep 2022, 01:16 PM

The issue is that some of the PDFs that get stitched onto the report don't come from a trdp they are pre-existing user created PDF files that are uploaded as supporting material
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commented on 07 Sep 2022, 01:56 PM

Yeah, that makes it more challenging. You might try using the Insert Sub Report function and then select the file or files, so they get imported. You may have to standardize the file names so they can be picked up without needing editing on the fly. Alternatively, you might try a dedicated folder for each attachment and have the sub-report always look to that folder.
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commented on 07 Sep 2022, 02:07 PM

Can a PDF file be linked as a sub-report? I was not aware of that but if it can i think that might provide a possible solution


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commented on 07 Sep 2022, 04:29 PM

I do not know whether it will work, sorry. You'd have to test it out.

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Telerik team
answered on 09 Sep 2022, 10:04 AM

Hello Steve and James,

Indeed, a ReportBook would be a solution for creating a single PDF from multiple Telerik Reports. Importantly, our Reporting engine can open or edit only Telerik Reporting report definitions. These are TRDP, TRDX, or TRBP files from the Standalone or Web Report Designers, or CS/VB classes inheriting from our base Telerik.Reporting.Report or Telerik.Reporting.ReportBook classes. That said, the Reporting engine cannot attach PDF files to the PDF report document it generates.

As a workaround, you may use the Telerik DocumentProcessing libraries to combine the PDF report with the external PDF files.

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Rendering Report Designer (standalone)
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