I have value stored in the Table with the Preferences related to customer , Customer Select the value single / double / triple...and i need to show the count of single / double / triple in my report...
I.e When I run my Report based on tour ID , then In that report i need to show :
Count of Single = xx
Count of Double = YY
Count of Triple = ZZ
How should i write the Count function to retrieve the value from the table?
I have value stored in the Table with the Preferences related to customer , Customer Select the value single / double / triple...and i need to show the count of single / double / triple in my report...
I.e When I run my Report based on tour ID , then In that report i need to show :
Count of Single = xx
Count of Double = YY
Count of Triple = ZZ
How should i write the Count function to retrieve the value from the table?