How to solve it?
23 Answers, 1 is accepted

Find the line
var url = client.formatDocumentUrl(info.clientId, info.instanceId, info.documentId, queryString);
And insert the following code behind it:
function getChromeVersion () {
var raw = navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrom(e|ium)\/([0-9]+)\./); return raw ? parseInt(raw[2], 10) : false;
if (getChromeVersion() >= 77) { var w = window.open(url);
w.addEventListener('load', w.window.print, true);
Hope this helps

Thanks, bro, but it didn't. It prints the whole page this way. I just want to print the inside of Telerik Report Q1 2012. I open the web page where Reportviewer is located as follows.
string script;
script = "<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>";
script += "var w = window.open ('ggg.aspx','_new4','height=900,width=900,left=130,top=20,scrollBars=yes,status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,resizable=no,close=no')</script>";
ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, GetType(), "gsgs", script, false);

The issue is reproducible on our end. Although it is due to the browser's version, we will consider it as a bug. It's logged in our system with high priority, as well as in our public Feedback portal - Print Dialog doesn't appear in Google Chrome 77.0.3865.75. Feel free to vote for it.
At this moment, you can use other browsers for the print functionality until the issue is fixed or we find a workaround.
Progress Telerik

We are sorry for the inconvenience this causes. I can make you sure that we are doing our best to include the fix for the issue in our new release on Wednesday (18th of September). Once it works, we will post an update in Print Dialog doesn't appear in Google Chrome 77.0.3865.75 and if you have voted for it, you will receive an email notification for that.
Today we found a workaround. In general, the printing functionality is based on rendering the report in PDF format with special settings so when the PDF file opens in a browser, the PDF plug-in's Print dialog is directly invoked. By default, the viewer widget tries to use the PDF plug-in of the browser for printing. You can manually control the printing behavior through the printMode option when creating the report viewer widget.
By setting FORCE_PDF_FILE printMode option, the widget will always export the report document to a PDF file with the special print script. For more information, check Printing Reports article. For example in the HTML5 Report viewer, you need to add the following line in the initialization of the viewer:
printMode: telerikReportViewer.PrintModes.FORCE_PDF_FILE

After adding the following option, the Print button now exports the report as PDF file but it does not show the Print Dialog automatically. Our JS version is
printMode: telerikReportViewer.PrintModes.FORCE_PDF_FILE

Hello to anyone looking for a workaround for the WebForms (non-HTML5) version of the Telerik ReportViewer.
We've managed to get a workaround in place that restores the old functionality on Chrome v77. I've posted this to the bug report, but may as well also post it here for anyone that might stumble across this thread in the future. In order to get this to work, we need to override one of the ReportViewer functions. We can do this by adding an inline script block immediately following the telerik:ReportViewer element on our aspx page as follows:
<telerik:ReportViewer ID=
<script type=
// Overriding the PDF method of report printing
ReportViewer.prototype.PrintReport =
() {
.defaultPrintFormat) {
previewFrame = document.getElementById(
previewFrame.onload =
() {
What this does is overrides it with a nearly identical version of the PrintReport function, with one major difference. If you look at the javascript that is being used by the ReportViewer object, you can see that we the ReportViewer is rendering the report to PDF in an iframe. By reading through some of Telerik's responses, it seems like this PDF is embedded with a command to cause the print, but that's the problem that Chrome has patched out.
What we're doing with this solution is waiting for the iframe to load, and then sending that inner document to print using a browser supported method: execCommand("print", true, null).
We decided to do this because we were also having a problems with the webform workaround adding and moving things in our report. All testing has indicated that this workaround behaves as expected. We just wanted to give this back to the community since, for many of us, the solution of "download the new version and migrate to HTML5 ReportViewer" is simply unacceptable.

Hi Michael,
Thank you for the workaround for the old ASP.NET Web Forms Report Viewer.
Google Chrome has also a public thread on the topic: Chrome 77, pdf auto print dialog. We have already contacted Google with feedback and questions about the issue. Unfortunately, we haven't received a response yet.
We will post an update if we have any new information.
Progress Telerik

Hi all
I got the same problem too, waiting for any solution.

The issue is already fixed in the R3 2019 release where the print button of the HTML5 Report Viewer renders the report for print purposes and opens it in a new browser tab.
For more information, refer to Print dialog doesn't open in Google Chrome 77.0.3865.75 KB article.
Progress Telerik

The issue is already fixed in the R3 2019 release where the print button of the HTML5 Report Viewer renders the report for print purposes and opens it in a new browser tab.
For more information, refer to Print dialog doesn't open in Google Chrome 77.0.3865.75 KB article.
Progress Telerik
This is not really a fix, it is different functionality. It is possible to get the print dialog to popup automatically still in Chrome 77, you just need to do it right.

Question for those of you who have implemented this fix: I implemented this last week and it worked like a charm. 30 minutes ago our server crashed due to running out of disk space. We have no idea what is eating up this disk space, and this is the only change I have made recently. Does this fix cause any temporary files to be generated that we need to clean up?
Hello Lisa,
The behavior is not expected. I need to know:
- which report viewer do you use;
- the version of Telerik Reporting;
- which approach did you apply from the KB article?
You may also try to check the memory consumption through some tool.
Progress Telerik

The issue is already fixed in the R3 2019 release( Print Dialog doesn't appear in Google Chrome 77.0.3865.75.) where the print button of the HTML5 Report Viewer renders the report for print purposes and opens it in a new browser tab.
Its not really fix, it is different functionality. Is there any way possible to have same functionality in chrome browser like I.E browser(to have print dialog on print button click) ?
Current version that we are using is telerikReportViewer-
Also after updating to R3 2019 release, it seems we are asking the user to take too many steps to actual print. User clicks Output...user clicks Print...user clicks Print. Is there a way to streamline this a bit more to where I click Print one time?

Hello Support Team,
Can anyone please provide any suggestion on below points:
Also after updating to R3 2019 release, it seems we are asking the user to take too many steps to actual print. User clicks Output...user clicks Print...user clicks Print. Is there a way to streamline this a bit more to where I click Print one time?
Hi Kunal,
Note that the new printing behavior is imposed by the browser due to security reasons and it is beyond the Telerik Reporting control. For the new HTML5-based viewers, you can apply the Workaround for the HTML5-based Report Viewers which allows you to trigger the print dialog on Print click.
Progress Telerik