Could you upgrade sample https://plnkr.co/edit/h1EB4cKEZpm4q3jHX8ye?p=preview&preview for Angular12
I have problem with asc and curr which has no type and "filter" is not defined
const flatten = filter => {
const filters = filter.filters;
if (filters) {
return filters.reduce((acc, curr) => acc.concat(curr.filters ? flatten(curr) : [curr]), []);
return [];
class NorthinService method fetch has also problem in Angular12
protected fetch(tableName: string, state: any): Observable<GridDataResult> {
const queryStr = `${toODataString(state)}&$count=true`;
return this.http
map(response => (<GridDataResult>{
data: response['value'],
total: parseInt(response['@odata.count'], 10)