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Coordinate Values Format in Map Control

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Lou asked on 10 Aug 2010, 07:52 PM
I have just started using the Rad Map control. I am using the Bing Map Provider. As far as I can tell when using the spatial reference "MercatorProjection" the only way to provide a latitude or longitude value in the loation object is to use the Geographic Coordinate System value, not the Projected vlaue. For example I would use the pair  "42.358431,-71.059773" instead of "4640731,-8854878". I would prefer to use the Projected values, is that possible? Thanks.

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answered on 11 Aug 2010, 12:37 PM
Hello Lou,

The map control allows using the Geographic Coordinate System only.
It supports translation the geographic coordinates to logical coordinates (from 0 to 1). Also it allows getting the pixel coordinates for current viewport of map from the geographic or logical coordinates and vice versa.

The SpatialReference property of RadMap has the following methods:
GeographicToLogical(Location) -- Converts a geographical coordinate (Longitude, Latitude) to a logical Point (0->1).
LogicalToGeographic(Point) -- Converts a logical Point (0->1) to a geographical coordinate (Longitude, Latitude).

The Location class contains the following functionality:
GetCoordinates(RadMap, Point) -- Gets geographic coordinates of the point relative to the map control screen coordinates.
LogicalToPixel(RadMap, Point) -- Convert a logical point to a Pixel Point on the current screen at a particular zoom level.
PixelToLogical(RadMap, Point) -- Convert a pixel point to a Logical Point on the current screen.
GetPoint(RadMap) -- Gets location of the Location structure on the given RadMap control as Point relative to the size of the control.

Sincerely yours,
Andrey Murzov
the Telerik team

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