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Continous horizontal scrolling?

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Henrik asked on 17 Sep 2012, 02:02 PM

We use the RadMap control for displaying aviation routes in our WPF application. When displaying a route from e.g. Paris to New York this work perfectly fine. 

However when displaying a route which crosses the pacific, e.g. from Seattle to Tokyo, we end up with a rahter inlogical view where the polyline disappearts out through the left side of the map and starts again in the right side of the map.

Is it in any way possible to make the RadMap behave like Google Maps, where the map can scroll conitously horizontal? That is, chaning the "center" of the map as one scrolls horizontally. 

The end result should look something like this (Gotta love Google for their "Kayak accross the Pacific ocean" :-)):,-148.886719&spn=107.11446,203.203125&sll=36.315125,-32.871094&sspn=83.931105,158.027344&geocode=FcJp1gIdWVy1-ClVM-iTLBCQVDGa1URpRmUlEA%3BFRCUIAIduoZTCCnnVy7whxtdYDGJG1cii2EBLg&mra=ls&t=m&z=3

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Telerik team
answered on 20 Sep 2012, 08:13 AM
Hi Henrik,

Unfortunately it is not possible with current version of the RadMap. We are planning to implement this feature for our future releases. You can check when it will be implemented using our PITS:

Andrey Murzov
the Telerik team

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answered on 21 Sep 2012, 12:19 PM
Hi Andrey,

Thanks for your response. I hope you guys can have en ETA on this feature in the near future as this is really a deal-breaker whn using the RadMap to visualize routes.
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