I want to customize the popup menu of a radrichtextbox with new sub item
I use the ContextMenuContentBuilder like this :
Then i use this custom builder like this when i instanciate my richtextbox :
If i use ContextMenuGroup.Add , it's ok, but i want my item to be the first of the popup menu.
If i use ContextMenuGroup.Insert , i got a stack-overflow
Is it a bug or is it me who don't use the component properly ?
I want to customize the popup menu of a radrichtextbox with new sub item
I use the ContextMenuContentBuilder like this :
internal class CustomMenuBuilder : ContextMenuContentBuilder, IDisposable
private RadMenuItem InsertHyperLink;
private MyCustomRichTextBox richTextBox;
public CustomMenuBuilder(MyCustomRichTextBox richTextBox)
: base(richTextBox)
this.richTextBox = richTextBox;
InsertHyperLink= new RadMenuItem
Header = CultureTasks.GetUIString("Infologic.Composite.Views.ILEditeur.CustomMenuBuilder.Message01", "Insert hyperlink"),
Icon = new Image()
Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/Telerik.Windows.Controls.RichTextBoxUI;component/Images/MSOffice/16/Inserthyperlink.png"))
InsertHyperLink.Tag = richTextBox;
InsertHyperLink.Click += InsertHyperlink_Click;
void InsertHyperlink_Click(object sender, Telerik.Windows.RadRoutedEventArgs e)
protected override ContextMenuGroup CreateFieldCommands()
return null;
protected override ContextMenuGroup CreateHyperlinkCommands(bool forExistingHyperlink)
return null;
protected override ContextMenuGroup CreateTextEditCommands()
var commands = base.CreateTextEditCommands();
commands.Add(InsertHyperLink); // OK
//commands.Insert(0, InsertHyperLink); // KO -> stack overflow
return commands;
public void Dispose()
InsertHyperLink.Click -= InsertHyperlink_Click;
InsertHyperLink= null;
richTextBox = null;
Then i use this custom builder like this when i instanciate my richtextbox :
var richTextControl = new MyCustomRichTextBox
Name = string.Format("rtb{0}", increment),
AcceptsTab = false,
LayoutMode = DocumentLayoutMode.Flow,
IsSelectionMiniToolBarEnabled = false,
DocumentInheritsDefaultStyleSettings = true,
FontFamily = fontFamily,
ShowMergeFieldsHighlight = true,
FontSize = fontSize,
HorizontalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Auto
var builder = new CustomMenuBuilder(richTextControl);
richTextControl.ContextMenu = new Telerik.Windows.Controls.RichTextBoxUI.ContextMenu();
((Telerik.Windows.Controls.RichTextBoxUI.ContextMenu)richTextControl.ContextMenu).ContentBuilder = builder;
If i use ContextMenuGroup.Add , it's ok, but i want my item to be the first of the popup menu.
If i use ContextMenuGroup.Insert , i got a stack-overflow
Is it a bug or is it me who don't use the component properly ?