I'm programmably creating menu items within the context menu. I assign one a Tag property, but the MenuItem in the event argument that comes back in the ItemClick event has a null Tag, so I'm not sure why that is the case? The tag is set in the collection of items in the menu....
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We are unable to reproduce this issue.
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I have a RadGrid, which defines a context menu:
tel:RadGridView x:Name="DataViewer" AutoGenerateColumns="True"
IsFilteringAllowed="True" VerticalContentAlignment="Stretch">
nav:RadContextMenu Opened="RadContextMenu_Opened" ItemClick="RadContextMenu_ItemClick">
I programmably create the UI like:
void ShowSingleHeaderColumnContextMenu(RadContextMenu menu)
new MenuItem { Header = "A" Tag = new ATask() });
new MenuItem { Header = "B", Tag = new BTask() });
I do see these iems in the list. And I expect that when I process the item click, the tag would be there, but this is null:
void RadContextMenu_ItemClick(object sender, RadRoutedEventArgs e)
RadContextMenu menu = e.Source as RadContextMenu;
RadMenuItem clickedItem = e.OriginalSource as RadMenuItem;
BaseTask task = clickedItem.Tag as BaseTask; //common base class
if (task == null)
This is always true; it's always null... but the item in the list is not.
Also, I notice that the context menu doesn't go away; do I have to manually close it?
You are adding MenuItem (which is Microsoft control). Instead you should add RadMenuItems to get the desired behavior (Tag not null and Close context menu on ItemClick).
Let us know if you need more help.
the Telerik team
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