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Conditional formatting of a table using RowNumber()

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Christophe asked on 05 Sep 2013, 03:34 PM
I would like to have every second row with a different style in my table.
I have created the following conditional formatting rules for the two different styles:

Expression: =RowNumber() % 2
Operator: =
Value: 1

Expression: =RowNumber() % 2
Operator: =
Value: 0

The issue is that the values are grouped by the field of the first column, and the RowNumber() function restarts to 1 for each new country value (see the attached screenshot).

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answered on 06 Sep 2013, 03:23 PM
Hi Christophe,

The RowNumber() function can take a scope as argument, so if you want to count the number of rows over the whole crosstab, you should use the following expression in the conditional formatting:

=RowNumber("crosstab_name") % 2

where crosstab_name is the name of the current crosstab.

Otherwise when using just RowNumber() you are counting the number of rows in the current data-context (defined by the crosstab groupings).


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answered on 05 Aug 2019, 08:24 PM

An how exactly do we figure out the "crosstab_name"? I'm not seeing that anywhere. 


I've created a table with multiple rows in the template and the rownumber() is always 1.

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answered on 05 Aug 2019, 08:31 PM

Nevermind, I got it working, by passing the Telerik.Reporting.Table's name so in my case I used 

= RowNumber("table2")%2 

for the Expression

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