I have Combo Box column in grid with data member binding for id.
The problem that the Filter shows the Ids instead of the names
How can I show the name without change the data member binding or the filter?
See picture attached.
Best regards
13 Answers, 1 is accepted
You may take a look at this blog post for a reference. However, we are in the process of implementing a native support for filtering of the GridViewComboBoxColumn and we will do our best to provide that functionality for the Q1 2011 release.
the Telerik team

I hope you could address this bug a bit sooner; filtering on combobox column is more common and usefull than any other column type since GridViewComboBoxColumn is mostly used on categorical data that are natural candidates for filtering.
This issue has already been posted several months ago and my feeling is that you are solving it in Q3 2010.
We are doing our best to meet the requirements of our customers, consequently as the native filtering of GridViewComboBoxColumn is a desired feature, we are working on its implementation. I believe Q1 2011 is a reasonable time-frame for this functionality to be included.
Thank you for your patience and feedback.
the Telerik team

would you confirm the feature is still planned for Q1 2011?
Unfortunately, we still cannot commit with a specific time frame. We will do our best but for the time being the chances are that this feature will be added after the Q1 2011 release.
the Telerik team

Very disappointed.

What with this feature?
Best Regards


This task is open for a long time
Best Regards
Actually, this feature has already been implemented. I am sending you a sample project so that you may test the functionality instantly.
On a side note, due to the specifics of ItemsSourceBinding, the filtering control will again display the properties from the source of the grid, not the displayed values. Still, when setting the ItemsSource of the GridViewComboBoxColumn, the values from this source will be displayed (as shown in the sample application).
the Telerik team
Register for the Q2 2011 What's New Webinar Week. Mark your calendar for the week starting July 18th and book your seat for a walk through of all the exciting stuff we will ship with the new release!

best regards