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Column chart with two line charts

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Report Designer (standalone)
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James asked on 23 Apr 2019, 02:11 PM

I need to create a chart that contains a column chart and two line charts imposed over the column chart.  The data set that I am working with looks like the one I have attached in the data.jpg image and the chart should look similar to the one in the chart.jpg that is attached.  I have been trying to figure out how to make this work but all to no avail.  If someone has any tips on how to get the chart designed I would appreciate it.


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answered on 25 Apr 2019, 02:58 PM
Hi James,

In the attached file you can find a sample report. It demonstrates the following approach:
1) The report uses CSV datasource which contains Item, Value (for the Bar Series), LineValue1 and LineValue2 (for the Line Series)
2) The Line chart is created from the Wizard as follows:
Categories: Item
Values: LineValie1, LineValue2

 The result will be the graph displaying the 2 lines. In the next steps we will add the column Bars:

3) Select the graph and from the Properties panel -> Presentation -> click Series;
4) Click on Add for a new barSeries and set it as follows:
Coordinate System  -> CoordinateSystem -> select the available (for example: cartesianCoordinateSystem1);
Data -> CategoryGroup -> select the available (for example: itemGroup (GraphGroup));
Data -> SeriesyGroup -> select the available (for example: seriesGroup (GraphGroup));
Data -> Y : Fields.Value

You can check the attached screenshot barSeries.PNG which demonstrates the setting. Note that from the same Graph Series Collection Editor you may add Labels, Tooltips, etc.

If you need a second Y-axis, you may create a new Coordinate System, select the available Category axis for X-axis and add a new Numerical axis for the new Y-axis. Then you may select the new Coordinate System for the corresponding Series. In the properties of the X-axis you can use the Scale->CrossAxisPositions property to set, for example, one Y-axis to cross at the Minimum, and the other at the Maximum - XaxisCrossPositions.png screenshot.

For more information, refer to Line Charts and Column Charts articles.

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commented on 21 Jun 2022, 08:31 AM

Solved my problem
Report Designer (standalone)
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