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Column Chart, Sort By value inside each Category Group

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Tiago asked on 22 Aug 2019, 09:10 AM


I Have a Simple chart with a Category group and a Series Group, and I want it to sort by value the series inside each category group,
I've been playing around with sorting but I can't figure it how to do it.

If I add the bar series value inside the sorting of the series group It sorts it the way I want but only for the first category group.


I attached the graph the way it's now and I put numbers upper the bars to show the way I want it to be sorted.


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Telerik team
answered on 27 Aug 2019, 08:43 AM
Hi Tiago,

The series within a category will be displayed in the same order as they were added when the Graph was created. You can sort the series in the series groups, but you cannot specify the order of the series in each category group separately. The observed behavior is expected. It is by design, as we consider changing the order of series in each category slot as potentially misleading.

As a workaround, you may try setting DataPointCondittionalFormatting to define the series color depending on its value.

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