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Colors not showing in barchart

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This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
Rieni De Rijke
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Rank 1
Rieni De Rijke asked on 04 Aug 2010, 12:29 PM
We have this code where we can switch from a pie to a bar.
The problem is: when we use the pie, the colors from the palette are used for each datapoint (4 different colors) and the legend shows the 4 datapoints in the serie.
But, switching to the bar, the colors are not used (we only get one color) and the datapoints (Nr1, Nr2...) don't show up in the legend.

        private BrushCollection _palette;

        public BrushCollection Palette


            get { return _palette;}
            set { _palette = value; }


        private void MakePallette()


            Palette = new BrushCollection


                            new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 106, 148, 200)),

                            new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 238, 141, 61)),

                            new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 145, 178, 80)),                         

                            new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 155, 152))



        private void MakeChart()


            RadChart radChart = new RadChart();s

            DataSeries dataSeries = null;


            foreach (Brush item in Palette)





            switch (ChartName) // determine what kind of data to display


                case "A":


                        radChart.DefaultView.ChartTitle.Content = "All A";

                        switch (ChartNr)    // determine what kind of rendering (bar, pie...etc)


                            case 1:

                                dataSeries = new DataSeries { Definition = new PieSeriesDefinition() };


                            case 2:

                                dataSeries = new DataSeries { Definition = new BarSeriesDefinition() };



                        // Create a DataPoint

                        DataPoint dataPoint = new DataPoint { YValue = 8, Label = "8", LegendLabel = "Nr 1" };



                        dataPoint = new DataPoint { YValue = 3, Label = "3", LegendLabel = "Nr 2" };



                        dataPoint = new DataPoint { YValue = 10, Label = "10", LegendLabel = "Nr 3" };



                        dataPoint = new DataPoint { YValue = 25, Label = "25", LegendLabel = "Nr 4" };




                case "B":


                        radChart.DefaultView.ChartTitle.Content = "All B";

                        switch (ChartNr)    // determine what kind of rendering (bar, pie...etc)


                            case 1:

                                dataSeries = new DataSeries { Definition = new PieSeriesDefinition() };


                            case 2:

                                dataSeries = new DataSeries { Definition = new BarSeriesDefinition() };



                        DataPoint dataPoint = new DataPoint { YValue = 36, Label = "36", LegendLabel = "Krediteringer"};



                        dataPoint = new DataPoint { YValue = 14, Label = "14", LegendLabel = "Rettelser"};



                        dataPoint = new DataPoint { YValue = 369, Label = "369", LegendLabel = "Enkeltgebyr"};





            radChart.DefaultView.ChartLegend.Header = string.Empty;



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Telerik team
answered on 05 Aug 2010, 10:17 AM
Hi Rieni De Rijke,

That behavior is expected because when you set a pie series definition - you have one data series and every slice is a data point with specific color. When you set a bar series definition and add data points to one data series, all get the same color.

There are two possible solutions:
1) To add new data series for every data point in order to get different color per bar item.
2) To set the LegendDisplayMode to DataPointLabel for the bar series definition:
dataSeries2.Definition = new BarSeriesDefinition() { LegendDisplayMode = LegendDisplayMode.DataPointLabel };

Please let me know if this fix your problem.

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Rieni De Rijke
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