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Check box not checking

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KawaUser asked on 30 Nov 2010, 08:51 PM
I have created a report and everything that I have done works, except the checkboxes. 

In my picture I have highlighted the data that it gets when the report runs. The checkbox is set to the exact same expression as the test field I am using which has the red box around it. The checkbox should be checking with the value that its getting.

Why is the checkbox not checking? This seems to be a pretty simple exercise.

Charlie Hawk

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answered on 01 Dec 2010, 08:41 AM
Hi Charlie,

The Value of the checkbox should be set to an expression using a column of Boolean datatype, so that it can be evaluated. To illustrate this if you hardcode "= True" as the value, it would be checked, however if the value is string i.e. "True" (missing equal sign marks it as string) the checkbox would not be checked.

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answered on 29 Apr 2013, 07:08 PM
If your binding the checkbox to the database and the value is NULL it will also not set (check or Uncheck) the checkbox.
It will show up as a square with a dot in it.
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