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Chart needs ItemWidthPercent set before draw?

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Adam Petaccia
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Adam Petaccia asked on 30 Jun 2010, 10:36 PM
ChartArea.ItemWidthPercent is a DependencyProperty within a RadChart, but setting it after a chart is drawn has no visible effect, only if it is set to the desired value before the RadChart is drawn. I've tried setting it in bindings, as well as setting it manually with code-behind driven by WPF events to no avail. Is this intended behavior? Am I missing something that must be done (will post code if needed)? Or is it simply that once the chart has been rendered, it must be re-rendered to take into effect some changes?

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Telerik team
answered on 05 Jul 2010, 12:09 PM
Hello Adam Petaccia,

It is true that currently you have to redraw the chart when setting ItemWidthPercent, or define it before mapping the data. Our developers have discussed this behavior and have decided to alter it so that this is done automatically when setting ItemWidthPercent. You can expect this change for our official 2010.Q2 release, scheduled for mid july, and also in the next internal build, released each Friday.

Thank you for the valuable feedback.Your Telerik points have been updated.

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the Telerik team
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Adam Petaccia
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Telerik team
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