I am getting following issues for kendoui chart
Question 1) Chart datetime UTC issue-
I am able to format the datetime to UTC by using the template but same functionality is not available in chart.
template: '#= moment(new Date(PeriodEnd)).format(\'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss\') #'
Following is my code for chart
<div data-bind="kendoChart: { data: SeriesValues, series: [{ name: 'Quantity', field: 'Quantity' }], tooltip: {visible: true},
legend: {position: 'top'},
title: { text: 'Quantity vs Time - Bar Graph'}, ,
categoryAxis: { field: 'PeriodEnd', labels:{rotation: -60} }
i am looking to convert the UTC format of my field: 'PeriodEnd'.
Question 2) Chart text localization from .resx file
for the above code I am looking for localizing the 'Quantity' and 'Quantity vs Time - Bar Graph' from .resx file.
we databind the keys from .resx as follows (Please see following line) but I cant do same in chart.
<span data-bind="restext: 'selectgraph'" class="viewLabels"></span>
Question 1) Chart datetime UTC issue-
I am able to format the datetime to UTC by using the template but same functionality is not available in chart.
template: '#= moment(new Date(PeriodEnd)).format(\'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss\') #'
Following is my code for chart
<div data-bind="kendoChart: { data: SeriesValues, series: [{ name: 'Quantity', field: 'Quantity' }], tooltip: {visible: true},
legend: {position: 'top'},
title: { text: 'Quantity vs Time - Bar Graph'}, ,
categoryAxis: { field: 'PeriodEnd', labels:{rotation: -60} }
i am looking to convert the UTC format of my field: 'PeriodEnd'.
Question 2) Chart text localization from .resx file
for the above code I am looking for localizing the 'Quantity' and 'Quantity vs Time - Bar Graph' from .resx file.
we databind the keys from .resx as follows (Please see following line) but I cant do same in chart.
<span data-bind="restext: 'selectgraph'" class="viewLabels"></span>