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Chart: how to show X-axis labels in a selective way

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Gerald asked on 23 Jul 2009, 01:09 PM

in my line line chart I have a few hundreds data points. The label values shown for the X-axis are dates. I show only labels for the first data point of every quarter (beginning of January, April, July, ...).

Here's the code for that which is embedded in a data point loop:

ChartAxisItem chartAxisItem;  
if (entry.QuotesDate.Month % 3 == 1 && entry.QuotesDate.Month != oldMonth)  
    chartAxisItem = new ChartAxisItem(entry.QuotesDate.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM"));  
    oldMonth = entry.QuotesDate.Month;  
    chartAxisItem = new ChartAxisItem();  
_gideonChart.PlotArea.XAxis.Appearance.LabelAppearance.RotationAngle = 270;   

Unfortunately "something" is shown even for the empty ChartAxisItem entries. That results in a horizontal white bar which runs right through my labels.

If you know what might cause this behavior or how to implement the above in a better way please let me know.

And how can I show major grid lines in the same selective way?

Thanks and kind regards,


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answered on 28 Jul 2009, 12:51 PM
Hello Gerald,

It is not very clear what this ugly white bar is, but reading your inquiry a few times we can make a guess that these are the axis ticks. Should we assume that since you're using AddItem, you have AutoScale=false? Even through you're adding the items yourself, there is no control over the ticks i.e. they would all be displayed. What you can do is increase the LabelStep to a larger number or hide the ticks (MajorTick.Visible=false) and show only the labels.
The same goes for XAxis.MajorGridLines - they would be either all displayed or all invisible.
If the problem is not related to this, please elaborate or better prepare and send us a sample project that shows the problem at hand. Once we review it, we would be able to provide you with more info.

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the Telerik team

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answered on 28 Jul 2009, 02:08 PM

I increased the LabelStep size to see what Telerik paints when an empty ChartAxisItem occurres: It's zeros ('0').

No matter if I leave the chart axis items without an initial value like
chartAxisItem = new ChartAxisItem(); 
or if I initialize them with an empty string like
chartAxisItem = new ChartAxisItem(""); 

you paint zeros 0000000000... - if the datapoints are tight enough together like in my case these zeros are melted together to a horizontal bar.

I don't know why Telerik assumes that I want to see zeros when passing an empty string or no value at all.

However the work around to that strange behaviour is to pass spaces.

Kind regards, Gerald
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