Hello, I have 2 pages detailsection and groupfootersection, I have a chart on groupfootersection and I want it to display on the detailsection. I have the idea that I should bind it to display on specific location but I don't know how to display it on other page. I know that the simplest solution is to put it on the detailsection. I just want to ask or clarify if there's a way to render the chart from the 2nd page (which is groupfootersection) to the 1st page (detailsection) without replicating/copying the chart to the 1st page. To put it simply, 1 chart render both pages.
If I understand correctly, the graph is currently being rendered in the GroupFooterSection, on the second page, and the goal is to have it rendered on both pages of the report instead, is that correct?
You may try setting the group footer section's PrintOnEveryPage property to True which will have it printed on every page that the group occupies. this should result in the footer being rendered on the first page too, and the graph too naturally, as long as there is an instance of the group that starts on the first page.
If that does not work, the only workaround left would indeed be to move the graph into the detail section of the report since it is printed for every record in the report's data source.