Chart categoryAxis - label overlay into neighboring slot and maximum label angle

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Jiří asked on 19 Oct 2022, 06:37 AM


I have a chart where I show data of all day divided by 15 minutes (=96 values), so I have very dense columns. The labels are shown every fourth column (they label every hour) and are a bit longer (6 characters), so they overlap each other if they're not rotated.

BUT, I don't want them to be rotated by 90 degrees (it's very difficult to read them in this case).

So, I'm currious, whether there is an option

  • to allow the labels to overlay into neighboring slot (so they wouldn't occupy only their slot, but their + 2 neighboring ones)
  • to set maximum angle to which labels can be rotated, so they do not overlap and are still clearly readable

Thanks for any advice.


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