I am new to Telerik chart. Actually downloaded the wpf controls to try before purchasing. I have added the following
<GroupBox Style="{DynamicResource NoTitledGroupBox}" Grid.Row="1" Margin="20,5,20,20">
<telerikChart:RadChart x:Name="RadChart1">
RadChart1.DefaultView.ChartArea.AxisX.DefaultLabelFormat =
RadChart1.DefaultView.ChartArea.AxisX.MaxValue = 1000
RadChart1.DefaultView.ChartArea.AxisX.MinValue = 0
RadChart1.DefaultView.ChartArea.AxisX.[Step] = 100.0
RadChart1.DefaultView.ChartArea.AxisY.ExtendDirection = AxisExtendDirection.Smart
RadChart1.DefaultView.ChartArea.AxisX.Step = 100.0
RadChart1.DefaultView.ChartArea.AxisY.Title =
RadChart1.DefaultView.ChartArea.AxisX.Title =
'RadChart1.DefaultView.ChartArea.AxisY.AxisStyles.TitleStyle = TryCast(Resources("CustomAxisTitleStyle"), Style)
Dim dsSeries As DataSeries = GenerateSeries(obj.getAdjustedHeadCalc, obj.getAdjustedCapacity)
dsSeries.LegendLabel =
dsSeries.Definition =
New LineSeriesDefinition
I have about 17 points. The YAxis draws the labels fine but I see some missing tick marks. I want 10 ticks on the XAxis but it keeps drawing 17 ticks and the labels are all messed up. Is there anything I am doing wrong?
I have attached the produced chart with the above code.