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Chart AxisX Integer Label Setting

2 Answers 62 Views
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Indika asked on 05 May 2011, 01:11 AM
I have a chart where AxisX is a integer sequence that is updated programatically. The problem I am facing is, sometimes I get non integer values (such as 1.5, 2.5.... etc) as lables in addition to Integer labels. I do not want these non Integer labels to appear. How can I do this
1. Through C# code
2. Through XAML

The folowing is the basic code (validations removed) I am using,


private void SetXAxisSettings(RadChart chart, double axisMin, double axisMax)
 //Update the X Axis
 AxisX axisX = chart.DefaultView.ChartArea.AxisX;
 axisX.MinValue = axisMin;
 axisX.MaxValue = axisMax;

and, the following is the static settings I have in XAML


<telerik:AxisX LayoutMode="Between" LabelStep="1" Step="1" AutoRange="False" Title="Batch" />

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answered on 07 May 2011, 03:09 AM

Found a workaround,
But before that I should add that I was using a scrolbar which helped me display 8 bars in the Chart's visible area at a time (when I have more than 8 bars to display). I observed that the Minor Tick Count automatically increased as the number of bars increased.
I am not so happy about this workaround, but it works for me. So sharing with you,

private void SetXAxisSettings(RadChart chart, double axisMin, double axisMax)
    //Validation code removed
    //Define the X Axis
    AxisX axisX = chart.DefaultView.ChartArea.AxisX;
    double step = axisMax / 8 ; //Magic Number to demonstrate only, please read the description
    step = step > 0 ? step : 1 ; //Programatically define step to avoid an issue(?) in Telerik that duplicates xAxis labels
    axisX.AddRange(axisMin, axisMax, step);
Telerik team
answered on 10 May 2011, 08:12 AM
Hi Indika,

I'm glad that you was able to solve the issue on your own.
Also have in mind that when you set custom range for the axis , you should turn off AutoRange property so that the newly provided Step, MinValue and MaxValue are applied to the Axis. For more information you can refer to our help topic.

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the Telerik team
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