Hello, I would like to change the display format of RadGridView column's RadDatePicker.
The best I could achieve is as shown in Scenario 1, but upon selecting other cells, it kept showing the default display as shown in Scenario 2. The default display value is also what I will be getting when I tried to retrieve it from back-end. Is there a solution to display as what it is shown in Scenario 1 upon clicking other cells, and also retrieve it? Thanks for your attention. Attached is the picture of the 2 scenarios, and below are my codes:
The best I could achieve is as shown in Scenario 1, but upon selecting other cells, it kept showing the default display as shown in Scenario 2. The default display value is also what I will be getting when I tried to retrieve it from back-end. Is there a solution to display as what it is shown in Scenario 1 upon clicking other cells, and also retrieve it? Thanks for your attention. Attached is the picture of the 2 scenarios, and below are my codes:
<telerik:GridViewDataColumn DataMemberBinding=
"{Binding Path=SvcDate}"
<TextBlock Text=
"Service Date"
<telerik:RadDatePicker SelectedValue=
"{Binding Path=SvcDate}"
"Unrecognised format. Use drop-down interface for input assistance."