A scenario was presented to determine whether or not Telerik Reporting can handle it. There are several reports that need to load image files that are defined in the database. For example the database contains six columns that may be populated with a file name for the image that should be displayed on the report. At this point I know that I can load the images in this fashion by calling a function that returns an image to set the picturebox value property. Additionally, in cases where an image is not defined or can not be found I can return a default image (blank.png).
Now I need to add six pictureboxes to my report to allow me to define and display all six images. I would prefer to do this at design time but if it has be done at runtime I can deal with that. In some cases I might only be displaying three out of the six images. In this case, we need to be able to hide the images that are not being displayed and center the remaining images in the container (Panel). Is this something that can be accomplished either by setting properties or by developing code to handle it?
Now I need to add six pictureboxes to my report to allow me to define and display all six images. I would prefer to do this at design time but if it has be done at runtime I can deal with that. In some cases I might only be displaying three out of the six images. In this case, we need to be able to hide the images that are not being displayed and center the remaining images in the container (Panel). Is this something that can be accomplished either by setting properties or by developing code to handle it?