Telrik Reporting Forum…
First, I would like to commend you in developing a great tool for developing Web based reports. A lot easier than generating the HTML and DB calls. Bravo!
The reason I am writing is I have an issue that seems common when I Google it and browse Telerik Forums, but I haven’t found the solution that will resolve it for the Customer Service Application I developed.
Basically, I pull note data from my SQL Stored Procedure that has embedded carriage returns and line feeds. The data is then bound to a textobox control on the report. When the report is viewed, the carriage returns and line feeds are not retained, so all the text is ran together.
I am thinking, but not sure exactly how to to it, I have to some how strip the the carriage returns and line feeds and replace them before rendering control. The thing is, since I can't see these characters, I am not sure what to search for. Some of the note data is copied from Outlook E-Mails, maybe Word and pasted in the note field prior to saving the database.
1. With that said, what is best approach for my situation?
2. What event do I need to place code in do the search/replace?
3. What Telerik Report Control should I use?
The Technical Specs are as follows:
ASP .net 4 VB
SQL 2008 DB
Telerik Q3 2001
Thanks In Advance