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Cannot select elements in WPF Designer if they are placed in RadDocking.DocumentHost (also the DocumentHost is not visible in Document Outline View)

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DR asked on 16 Oct 2020, 05:50 AM

As the title describes, I have a user control with a RadDocking element, then a RadDocking.DocumentHost.

Any element inside the DocumentHost is not selectable in the designer, also the outline view only shows elements until the RadDocking element not the DocumentHost inside it.

If I don't use the DocumentHost  and place RadSplitContainer directly in the RadDocking selecting and outline is working as expected.


I use the last version I have access to: Version 2018.1.430


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Vladimir Stoyanov
Telerik team
answered on 20 Oct 2020, 10:25 AM

Hello Daniela,

I was able to replicate the described behavior in the 2018.1.430 version. That said, I also tested our latest version and with it I was not able to reproduce it. With this in mind, my suggestion would be to update to the latest UI for WPF version. 

As a workaround for the 2018.1.430 version, you can consider placing the elements that need to be selectable in the designer, outside the document host.

Vladimir Stoyanov
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answered on 26 Oct 2020, 07:16 AM

Hello Vladimir,

as this is a bug, is there any change for a regression fix?


Vladimir Stoyanov
Telerik team
answered on 28 Oct 2020, 02:20 PM

Hello Daniela,

I am afraid that we do not have a practice of rebuilding old versions of the UI for WPF source code to introduce such changes. I can only suggest updating to our latest version or using the workaround I mentioned in my last reply. 

Vladimir Stoyanov
Progress Telerik

Virtual Classroom, the free self-paced technical training that gets you up to speed with Telerik and Kendo UI products quickly just got a fresh new look + new and improved content including a brand new Blazor course! Check it out at

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Vladimir Stoyanov
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