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Cannot see all my point inside my Chart

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miki asked on 15 Jan 2015, 03:35 PM
I have ChartView that measure the traffic rate and receive real time data.
Sometimes there is a peak in the network rate so the value of the current point value rises or falls.
I populate my chart via timer every 1 second ans store up to 3 points so the chart is show statistics for the lase 5 minutes.

Please see my attach screenshot.
In the first one you can see the traffic rate in specific period and you can see all the points, in the second one the traffic rate is raised so the first points that should locate in the left side of the chart is missing because the current points is so high (value of ~400) compare to the first picture (value of < 10) so this picture not showing at all.
So what i want to achieve is the see all the points without loosing some points.
I know i can set the Minimum and the Maximum properties (for example -300 and 300) of my LinearAxis but In this case the line will look almost straight without moving and I want to avoid it.

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answered on 20 Jan 2015, 03:53 PM
Hello Miki,

Thank you for contacting us.

If you want to see all the points you should display the entire scale and yes the chart will look different in this case. A possible solution is to use a minimum value for the data points and use this value instead of the actual data point value. This way the line will display always. I have attached a small sample that shows this approach (take a look at the Value property in the ChartBusinessObject class).

I hope this helps.


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