I have a kendo grid in JSTL format where I'm trying to override a filter choice for date (making the filter look for the span of an entire day like in this example. But setting a simple hardcoded filtergives no results in the kendo grid, even when there are results matching the filter:
let startOfFilterDate = new Date(2000,1,1,0,0,0)
let endOfFilterDate = new Date(2000,1,1,23,59,59)
var filter = {
logic: "and",
filters: [
{ field: "date", operator: "gte", value: startOfFilterDate },
{ field: "date", operator: "lte", value: endOfFilterDate }
I've tried putting in various places...
1) <kendo:dataSource-change></kendo:dataSource-change
2) <kendo:grid name="search-result-grid" ... filterable="true" columnMenu="true" columnMenuInit="doFilter">
And then my "doFilter" method is pretty much the same as the given example linked to above.
If I console.log the dataSource.filter, it shows that the filters are there. But the datasource is not being updated/refreshed with the filter for whatever reason.