Hello Telerik,
I am posting my question here at WPF > General Discussions, because I didn’t see a forum for WPF > ReportViewer (the closest thing I found was WPF > PDFViewer). I don’t want to get lost or forgotten, so if you know where I should post this question, please reply back, and let me know. BTW, I went ahead and posted a duplicate of this question on the Telerik Reporting forum.
I am using Visual Studio 2010 and RadControls for WPF, v.2013.3.1016.40 (Dev). My WPF project references Telerik.Reporting.dll, runtime version v4.0.30319.
I have been attempting to use the web resource How to: Add report viewer to a WPF application. When I try to apply Step #4 in this resource, I get the error:
Cannot find type Telerik.Reporting.ReportSource in module Telerik.Reporting.dll.
When I search the Internet for help, I cannot find a resolution to this problem. Can you please help?
Thank you