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Cannot create an object of type 'Telerik.Reporting.IReportDocument'

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Nirav asked on 16 Feb 2019, 12:12 PM


I just migrated a website that was very old and hosted on a very old server too. We now have a Windows server 2016 where I have added this website and configured it and it worked fine until I checked the page with a Telerik Report viewer on it. That page didnt load and gave me error as attached. The version of Telerik.Reporting is

I tried to google it a lot but couldnt find much all I found was to check if Dlls are added in bin folder and I verified they are. Can someone please help me to fix this. Please note that I havent changed a single line of code in fact I don't have access to source code its just the publish files that I have and they still seems to be working all fine on old server. 



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