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Cangrow+Multiline in html preview

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Jean-Francois asked on 06 May 2013, 12:57 PM
Hello Telerik,

First of all I am using Q2 2012 version of reporting but I am sure this affects the Q2 2012 SP1 as well. My report is made of a crosstab with a first column which has the following properties enabled : Cangrow, Multiline, TextWrap.
Now the behavior doesn't have any problem when I preview (pic1) the report but when I do the Html rendering (pic2) (which is used in the asp reportviewer it seems) it won't grow normally, some lines will grow a little, others won't grow at all, hiding the text beneath.
So from what I understand, Multiline and Textwrap works well, but Cangrow don't. Also you can see here that the relative size of the text is not the same, being taller in the html rendering, but I can live with that.

Edit : The behavior described above won't apply when the asp ReportViewer is wrapped in an ASP web page, so problem solved.

Thanks in advance for any help,

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