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Cancel Report Generation

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Paul asked on 11 Jan 2018, 01:58 PM

Is there anyway to cancel a report being generated with RenderReport?  For example, we are creating a PDF of a report that takes some time to finish.  Is there any asynchronous ways of creating the report such that we can cancel its execution? 


I saw a post on here a few years ago that it couldn't be canceled, but I'm hoping something has been done since then to change this.  Thanks for any guidance.


ReportProcessor reportProcessor = new ReportProcessor();                      

ReportLibrary.TestReport report = new ReportLibrary.TestReport();                                               InstanceReportSource reportSource = new InstanceReportSource();                         

reportSource.ReportDocument = report;                         

RenderingResult result = reportProcessor.RenderReport("PDF", reportSource, null);

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Telerik team
answered on 16 Jan 2018, 10:28 AM
Hi Paul,

Currently, the generation of a report cannot be cancelled.

A possible workaround is to run the ReportProcessor in a separate thread, and kill the thread based on some custom condition (i.e. after some time).

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Ashish Kumar
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commented on 07 Sep 2024, 07:30 AM

Is it true for this RenderReport method as well ?

As this RenderReport method accepts the CancellationToken and this is the description of that parameter

A CancellationToken instance that allows to cancel the current rendering.

We are providing user with scheduled download of the Report if data is huge, and we are currently using this method

And wrapping this in Task.Run and kill the thread after 10 mins, if still not completed, but killing the thread is causing instability sometime, it is brining down the complete WebJob itself.

Hence, was thinking of switching to the method which accepts CancellationToken, but before that wanted to confirm the behaviour.

Telerik team
commented on 10 Sep 2024, 11:44 AM

Hello Ashish,

I confirm that you may use the method RenderReport(String, ReportSource, Hashtable, CreateStream, CancellationToken, out String).

The CancellationToken was introduced with R2 2020 ( and lets you cancel the current report rendering. Note that the thread was opened in 2018 when the CancellationToken was not available.

You may also attach a Trace Listener to your application (Troubleshooting Reporting Implementation Into ASP.NET Core Application) to check the exact cause for the failure and try to fix it.

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