I am using Telerik Reporting for Silverlight. In the report viewer once the report is generated, I want to print it by clicking on the "print" icon in the menu bar on top of the report.
After clicking on that button the popup showing the progress for the print generation is displayed as expected. Both "print" and "cancel" work fine in most cases. However, when a report is "big" (here I have a 38 pages report as per the report viewer or enough data in the report to generate a 2MB PDF file if it helps), the increment of the percent in that same popup does not start right away. If I click on the "Cancel" button before the percents start to increase, the popup does not close as it would otherwise. The "cancel" button becomes greyed out and the printing process keeps going until it reaches 100%. Once the process is over, there is no choice but to print the report (the "print" button is no more greyed out) or close the whole report viewer as the "Cancel" button remains greyed out.
We are using Silverlight 4 and the version of Telerik reporting we are using is the Let me know if you need more information for your investigation.