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Can you set a background for your plotarea?

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Joel asked on 11 Mar 2011, 05:58 AM
So i have my background set to a specific color, but I alway want to be able to overlay a png with transparent setction.

If I just need to be able to use the chart as a background I'd use the imagebrush for the background and be done with it.

Is there a way I can set the background to a color AND have a background image?

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Telerik team
answered on 16 Mar 2011, 12:59 PM
Hi Joel,

I am not sure what is your goal, that is why it would be very helpful if you send us an image showing the desired look. You can set background (image or color) to the RadChart and the ChartArea. So you can set an image as background of your RadChart and background color for the ChartArea.

Here is an example:
<telerikChart:RadChart x:Name="RadChart1" Background="Yellow">
                        <telerikCharting:ChartArea Legend="{Binding ElementName=Legend1}" Background="#99FFFFFF" />
                        <telerikCharting:ChartLegend x:Name="Legend1" />

I hope this helps.

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the Telerik team
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answered on 15 Feb 2021, 06:41 PM
could you give a sample code to set the plotarea with an external image
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