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Can't make 3d Charts?

1 Answer 61 Views
This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
Adam Petaccia
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Rank 1
Adam Petaccia asked on 02 Jun 2010, 03:54 PM
I am currently testing Telerik, and testing for the charting at the moment, however I seem to be unable to render 3d charts.

Assume I have a XAML document, with one RadChart element, named w_Chart. The following works as expected:
public MainWindow () 
            InitializeComponent (); 
            SetupChart (); 
        public void SetupChart () 
            SeriesMapping sm1 = new SeriesMapping () { SeriesDefinition = new AreaSeriesDefinition () }; 
            ItemMapping im1 = new ItemMapping () { DataPointMember = DataPointMember.YValue }; 
            sm1.ItemMappings.Add (im1); 
            w_Chart.SeriesMappings.Add (sm1); 
            w_Chart.ItemsSource = Enumerable.Range (20, 5); 

However, if I change AreaSeriesDefinition to Area3DSeriesDefinition, it crashes (IntelliTrace picks up a lot of null reference exceptions). The same is true of Bar -> Bar3d.

What is required to get 3d charting to work?

[Edit: ] It also crashes when I attach a camera.

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Telerik team
answered on 07 Jun 2010, 12:41 PM
Hi Adam Petaccia,

The issue you're experiencing has been fixed.Please, download the latest 2010 Q1 SP2, released last week, and give it a try. To download the files please log into your account and go to the Downloads section.

If you continue experiencing the problem, please let us know so we can provide further assistance.

Sincerely yours,
the Telerik team

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Adam Petaccia
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Rank 1
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Telerik team
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