i have a problem with refreshing data after insert new item to entity framework
in my project i used Entity framework with local database(sdf) + Observabllecollection and INotifyPropertchanged
i checked , and data that inserted is all fine , but i can't get the items in real time after i made the insert.
i tried everyhing without successfull to solve this problem
NOTE: this is a very small project for test,i attached the files hopefully someone will take a look on my code
i have a problem with refreshing data after insert new item to entity framework
in my project i used Entity framework with local database(sdf) + Observabllecollection and INotifyPropertchanged
i checked , and data that inserted is all fine , but i can't get the items in real time after i made the insert.
i tried everyhing without successfull to solve this problem
NOTE: this is a very small project for test,i attached the files hopefully someone will take a look on my code