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Can't add a RadDock control into a RadPanel

3 Answers 140 Views
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Nebras asked on 31 Jan 2012, 01:19 PM
I have RadDock control on a RadForm that i would like to move into a RadPanel. These are my steps:
  1. Select the RadDock.
  2. Cut the RadDock
  3. Drag a RadPanel onto my RadForm
  4. Enlarge the size of the RadPanel
  5. Select the RadPanel, right clik in it and click Paste
Then Visual Studio always throws this error: "Cannot add component of type 'DocumentTabStrip' to container of type 'RadPanel'. "
** I am using Telerik RadControls for WinForms 2011 Q2
How do i add a RadDock Control inside any other container? Is it possible anyway?


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Ivan Petrov
Telerik team
answered on 03 Feb 2012, 12:42 PM

Thank you for writing.

There are some limitations with the cut/copy/paste of controls in the designer which we are working on resolving. To work around these you should do the following:
1. Undock the RadDock and change its location so there is some free space for the panel.
2. Drag the panel on the form.
3. Drag the dock in the panel. Most probably it will be a a lot larger than the panel but this should not worry you.
4. Dock the RadDock in the panel.

This should result in the same as cut/paste.

I hope this will work for you. Should you have further questions, I would be happy to assist.

All the best,
Ivan Petrov
the Telerik team

SP1 of Q3’11 of RadControls for WinForms is available for download (see what's new).

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answered on 09 Feb 2012, 11:55 AM
thanks for you reply.

I tried this work-around. It worked in design time but unfortunately the RadDock control totally disappeared in run time. the panel appeared empty in run time.
Any idea why? and how to overcome this?

Thanks in advance,
Ivan Petrov
Telerik team
answered on 14 Feb 2012, 02:24 PM

Thank you for your reply.

I tried to reproduce the issue you have described but was unable to do so. I have attached a video that demonstrates the behavior on my side. I would like to kindly ask you to send me your project or a sample one where the issue can be reproduced so I can investigate it locally and provide you with further support.

Looking forward to your reply.
All the best,
Ivan Petrov
the Telerik team
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Ivan Petrov
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