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CALs meaning in Telerik Report Server

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Mohammad asked on 31 Jul 2019, 04:57 PM

What do mean with CALs in Telerik Report Server licence?


Is it number of application that will use this server?

or number of actual users they have permission to access reports through this server?


for example, If I have an angular application and an application.

These two applications will use Telerik Report Server

In this case, do I have two CALs?


If I have 10 users access reports through these tow applications. so I have 10 CALs?


Which is right?

Number of applications?


Number of actual users regardless of number of applications?

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Telerik team
answered on 02 Aug 2019, 02:20 PM
Hi Mohammad,

Our Telerik Report Server product is an application which uses the Reporting REST service, Reporting HTML5 Viewer and Reporting Standalone Report Designer. The application includes admin module for managing resources like reports, report categories, connections, user accounts, scheduled tasks, data alerts, webhooks. This module can be accessed only by the Admin account and users registered by the admin (CALs). 

CALs are users, registered on the report server. They can access the Admin module of the server and they can connect the Standalone Report Designer by using their credentials, where the purpose is generating content. The CAL credentials can be used also to connect to the Report Server from another application (using a report viewer or directly working with the Report Server API). You can see the article How To: Use HTML5 Report Viewer with Report Server for step-by-step explanation.

Users who need only to preview the reports can use the Guest account.
In case you want to let registered users to operate with the Report Server's Admin module through other application, you can use the exposed API - Login Example.

To summarize, the number of CALs is the number of users that can have access to the Report Server instance - both for creating content and previewing reports using their own credentials.

For more details, please check Report Server Licensing FAQ. You can also contact our Sales team or let us know if you want us to forward this thread to them for further clarifications on licensing and prices.
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