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Call SubReport Multiple Times From Master

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Sentil asked on 05 Nov 2013, 12:06 PM
Hi Guys

Today i came across one situation
1) can we call subreport in a for loop meaning one report for multiple output,
I saw one link(below) where i am in same situation and same requirement

Let me know whether we can do as i need to let my client know
If my requirement not possible ,what are other ideas to achieve


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answered on 08 Nov 2013, 11:57 AM
Hello Sentil,

Inside the report you have a Detail section, which is printed once for every row in the data source. This is where you place the report items that make up the main body of the report. More information on the topic can be found in the Report Structure help article.

In your case, you can place the sub-report inside the detail section of your report. This will cause the sub-report to be repeated for every record in the report's data source. Additionally the SubReport.ReportSource is parameterized. Thus you can have different output. For more information check out the SubReport help article.


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