Windows 7 – 64 bit
Visual Studio 2010 installed
Downloaded and extracted the zip file “”
According to “RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Instructions\RadControls for WPF and SL build source code instructions.doc” there are different ways to build the WPF controls.
When using the method of executing: “RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Build_WPF.bat” MSBuild.exe crashes.
When using the granular build, I get build errors:
When trying to build the core, using “%SYSTEMROOT%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\MSBuild XCore_WPF.sln /p:Configuration="Release" /target:Rebuild > BuildCoreLog.txt”
There’s 7 build errors and 14 warnings.
A similar result is achieved by using the existing entry in the RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\Build.bat – “C:\Windows\\framework\v3.5\MSBuild.exe XCore_WPF.sln /target:Rebuild /property:Configuration=Release;Msbuild35=true > WPF.log.txt”
Copy-paste from "BuildCoreLog.txt":
Microsoft (R) Build Engine Version 3.5.30729.4926
[Microsoft .NET Framework, Version 2.0.50727.4961]
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2007. All rights reserved.
Build started 27-06-2011 14:28:05.
Project "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\XCore_WPF.sln" on node 0 (Rebuild target(s)).
Building solution configuration "Release|Any CPU".
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.Versioning.Targets(4,10): warning MSB4011: There is a circular reference involving the import of file "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\config.targets". This file may have been imported more than once, or you may have attempted to import the main project file. All except the first instance of this file will be ignored.
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.Versioning.Targets(5,10): warning MSB4011: There is a circular reference involving the import of file "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.BuildTasks.Targets". This file may have been imported more than once, or you may have attempted to import the main project file. All except the first instance of this file will be ignored.
Project "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\XCore_WPF.sln" (1) is building "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Design\Core\Core.Design.csproj" (2) on node 0 (Rebuild target(s)).
Project file contains ToolsVersion="4.0", which is not supported by this version of MSBuild. Treating the project as if it had ToolsVersion="3.5".
Deleting file "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Design\Core\obj\Release\ResolveAssemblyReference.cache".
Deleting file "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Design\Core\obj\Release\Resources\SharedResourcesDictionary.baml".
Deleting file "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Design\Core\obj\Release\Resources\SharedResourcesDictionary.g.cs".
Deleting file "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Design\Core\obj\Release\GeneratedInternalTypeHelper.g.cs".
Successfully cleaned the output for 0 EDMX files.
Directory "obj\Release\PostSharp" doesn't exist. Skipping.
Directory "obj\Release\Before-PostSharp" doesn't exist. Skipping.
Cleaningn version info file
Processing 0 EDMX files.
Finished processing 0 EDMX files.
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.Versioning.Targets(4,10): warning MSB4011: There is a circular reference involving the import of file "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\config.targets". This file may have been imported more than once, or you may have attempted to import the main project file. All except the first instance of this file will be ignored.
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.Versioning.Targets(5,10): warning MSB4011: There is a circular reference involving the import of file "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.BuildTasks.Targets". This file may have been imported more than once, or you may have attempted to import the main project file. All except the first instance of this file will be ignored.
Project "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Design\Core\Core.Design.csproj" (2) is building "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Design\Core\iejr3yn1.tmp_proj" (3) on node 0 (_CompileTemporaryAssembly target(s)).
Project file contains ToolsVersion="4.0", which is not supported by this version of MSBuild. Treating the project as if it had ToolsVersion="3.5".
Version is: 2011.1.1
FrameworkVersion: 3.5,4.0
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.Versioning.Targets(44,3): error MSB4062: The "GenerateReleaseVersionNumber" task could not be loaded from the assembly C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\.\Telerik.BuildTasks\Telerik.BuildTasks.dll. Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.BuildTasks\Telerik.BuildTasks.dll' or one of its dependencies. This assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime and cannot be loaded. Confirm that the <UsingTask> declaration is correct, and that the assembly and all its dependencies are available.
Done Building Project "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Design\Core\iejr3yn1.tmp_proj" (_CompileTemporaryAssembly target(s)) -- FAILED.
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Design\Core\Themes\Generic.xaml(8,6): error MC3074: The tag 'PercentToDoubleConverter' does not exist in XML namespace 'clr-namespace:Telerik.Windows.Core.Design'. Line 8 Position 6.
Done Building Project "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Design\Core\Core.Design.csproj" (Rebuild target(s)) -- FAILED.
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.Versioning.Targets(4,10): warning MSB4011: There is a circular reference involving the import of file "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\config.targets". This file may have been imported more than once, or you may have attempted to import the main project file. All except the first instance of this file will be ignored.
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.Versioning.Targets(5,10): warning MSB4011: There is a circular reference involving the import of file "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.BuildTasks.Targets". This file may have been imported more than once, or you may have attempted to import the main project file. All except the first instance of this file will be ignored.
Project "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\XCore_WPF.sln" (1) is building "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\Controls\Controls_WPF.csproj" (4) on node 0 (Rebuild target(s)).
Project file contains ToolsVersion="4.0", which is not supported by this version of MSBuild. Treating the project as if it had ToolsVersion="3.5".
Successfully cleaned the output for 0 EDMX files.
Directory "obj\Release\PostSharp" doesn't exist. Skipping.
Directory "obj\Release\Before-PostSharp" doesn't exist. Skipping.
Cleaningn version info file
Version is: 2011.1.1
FrameworkVersion: 3.5,4.0
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.Versioning.Targets(44,3): error MSB4062: The "GenerateReleaseVersionNumber" task could not be loaded from the assembly C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\.\Telerik.BuildTasks\Telerik.BuildTasks.dll. Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.BuildTasks\Telerik.BuildTasks.dll' or one of its dependencies. This assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime and cannot be loaded. Confirm that the <UsingTask> declaration is correct, and that the assembly and all its dependencies are available.
Done Building Project "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\Controls\Controls_WPF.csproj" (Rebuild target(s)) -- FAILED.
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.Versioning.Targets(4,10): warning MSB4011: There is a circular reference involving the import of file "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\config.targets". This file may have been imported more than once, or you may have attempted to import the main project file. All except the first instance of this file will be ignored.
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.Versioning.Targets(5,10): warning MSB4011: There is a circular reference involving the import of file "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.BuildTasks.Targets". This file may have been imported more than once, or you may have attempted to import the main project file. All except the first instance of this file will be ignored.
Project "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\XCore_WPF.sln" (1) is building "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\Controls\Design\Controls.Design\Controls.Design.csproj" (5) on node 0 (Rebuild target(s)).
Project file contains ToolsVersion="4.0", which is not supported by this version of MSBuild. Treating the project as if it had ToolsVersion="3.5".
Successfully cleaned the output for 0 EDMX files.
Directory "obj\Release\PostSharp" doesn't exist. Skipping.
Directory "obj\Release\Before-PostSharp" doesn't exist. Skipping.
Cleaningn version info file
Processing 0 EDMX files.
Finished processing 0 EDMX files.
Version is: 2011.1.1
FrameworkVersion: 3.5,4.0
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.Versioning.Targets(44,3): error MSB4062: The "GenerateReleaseVersionNumber" task could not be loaded from the assembly C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\.\Telerik.BuildTasks\Telerik.BuildTasks.dll. Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.BuildTasks\Telerik.BuildTasks.dll' or one of its dependencies. This assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime and cannot be loaded. Confirm that the <UsingTask> declaration is correct, and that the assembly and all its dependencies are available.
Done Building Project "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\Controls\Design\Controls.Design\Controls.Design.csproj" (Rebuild target(s)) -- FAILED.
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.Versioning.Targets(4,10): warning MSB4011: There is a circular reference involving the import of file "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\config.targets". This file may have been imported more than once, or you may have attempted to import the main project file. All except the first instance of this file will be ignored.
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.Versioning.Targets(5,10): warning MSB4011: There is a circular reference involving the import of file "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.BuildTasks.Targets". This file may have been imported more than once, or you may have attempted to import the main project file. All except the first instance of this file will be ignored.
Project "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\XCore_WPF.sln" (1) is building "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\Controls\Design\Controls.Design\Controls.Expression.Design.csproj" (6) on node 0 (Rebuild target(s)).
Project file contains ToolsVersion="4.0", which is not supported by this version of MSBuild. Treating the project as if it had ToolsVersion="3.5".
Successfully cleaned the output for 0 EDMX files.
Directory "obj\Release\PostSharp" doesn't exist. Skipping.
Directory "obj\Release\Before-PostSharp" doesn't exist. Skipping.
Cleaningn version info file
Processing 0 EDMX files.
Finished processing 0 EDMX files.
Version is: 2011.1.1
FrameworkVersion: 3.5,4.0
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.Versioning.Targets(44,3): error MSB4062: The "GenerateReleaseVersionNumber" task could not be loaded from the assembly C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\.\Telerik.BuildTasks\Telerik.BuildTasks.dll. Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.BuildTasks\Telerik.BuildTasks.dll' or one of its dependencies. This assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime and cannot be loaded. Confirm that the <UsingTask> declaration is correct, and that the assembly and all its dependencies are available.
Done Building Project "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\Controls\Design\Controls.Design\Controls.Expression.Design.csproj" (Rebuild target(s)) -- FAILED.
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.Versioning.Targets(4,10): warning MSB4011: There is a circular reference involving the import of file "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\config.targets". This file may have been imported more than once, or you may have attempted to import the main project file. All except the first instance of this file will be ignored.
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.Versioning.Targets(5,10): warning MSB4011: There is a circular reference involving the import of file "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.BuildTasks.Targets". This file may have been imported more than once, or you may have attempted to import the main project file. All except the first instance of this file will be ignored.
Project "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\XCore_WPF.sln" (1) is building "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\Controls\Design\Controls.Design\Controls.VisualStudio.Design.4.0.csproj" (7) on node 0 (Rebuild target(s)).
Project file contains ToolsVersion="4.0", which is not supported by this version of MSBuild. Treating the project as if it had ToolsVersion="3.5".
Successfully cleaned the output for 0 EDMX files.
Directory "obj\Release\PostSharp" doesn't exist. Skipping.
Directory "obj\Release\Before-PostSharp" doesn't exist. Skipping.
Cleaningn version info file
Processing 0 EDMX files.
Finished processing 0 EDMX files.
Version is: 2011.1.1
FrameworkVersion: 3.5,4.0
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.Versioning.Targets(44,3): error MSB4062: The "GenerateReleaseVersionNumber" task could not be loaded from the assembly C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\.\Telerik.BuildTasks\Telerik.BuildTasks.dll. Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.BuildTasks\Telerik.BuildTasks.dll' or one of its dependencies. This assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime and cannot be loaded. Confirm that the <UsingTask> declaration is correct, and that the assembly and all its dependencies are available.
Done Building Project "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\Controls\Design\Controls.Design\Controls.VisualStudio.Design.4.0.csproj" (Rebuild target(s)) -- FAILED.
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.Versioning.Targets(4,10): warning MSB4011: There is a circular reference involving the import of file "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\config.targets". This file may have been imported more than once, or you may have attempted to import the main project file. All except the first instance of this file will be ignored.
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.Versioning.Targets(5,10): warning MSB4011: There is a circular reference involving the import of file "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.BuildTasks.Targets". This file may have been imported more than once, or you may have attempted to import the main project file. All except the first instance of this file will be ignored.
Project "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\XCore_WPF.sln" (1) is building "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\Controls\Design\Controls.Design\Controls.VisualStudio.Design.csproj" (8) on node 0 (Rebuild target(s)).
Project file contains ToolsVersion="4.0", which is not supported by this version of MSBuild. Treating the project as if it had ToolsVersion="3.5".
Successfully cleaned the output for 0 EDMX files.
Directory "obj\Release\PostSharp" doesn't exist. Skipping.
Directory "obj\Release\Before-PostSharp" doesn't exist. Skipping.
Cleaningn version info file
Processing 0 EDMX files.
Finished processing 0 EDMX files.
Version is: 2011.1.1
FrameworkVersion: 3.5,4.0
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.Versioning.Targets(44,3): error MSB4062: The "GenerateReleaseVersionNumber" task could not be loaded from the assembly C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\.\Telerik.BuildTasks\Telerik.BuildTasks.dll. Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.BuildTasks\Telerik.BuildTasks.dll' or one of its dependencies. This assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime and cannot be loaded. Confirm that the <UsingTask> declaration is correct, and that the assembly and all its dependencies are available.
Done Building Project "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\Controls\Design\Controls.Design\Controls.VisualStudio.Design.csproj" (Rebuild target(s)) -- FAILED.
Done Building Project "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\XCore_WPF.sln" (Rebuild target(s)) -- FAILED.
"C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\XCore_WPF.sln" (Rebuild target) (1) ->
"C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Design\Core\Core.Design.csproj" (Rebuild target) (2) ->
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.Versioning.Targets(4,10): warning MSB4011: There is a circular reference involving the import of file "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\config.targets". This file may have been imported more than once, or you may have attempted to import the main project file. All except the first instance of this file will be ignored.
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.Versioning.Targets(5,10): warning MSB4011: There is a circular reference involving the import of file "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.BuildTasks.Targets". This file may have been imported more than once, or you may have attempted to import the main project file. All except the first instance of this file will be ignored.
"C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\XCore_WPF.sln" (Rebuild target) (1) ->
"C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Design\Core\Core.Design.csproj" (Rebuild target) (2) ->
"C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Design\Core\iejr3yn1.tmp_proj" (_CompileTemporaryAssembly target) (3) ->
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.Versioning.Targets(4,10): warning MSB4011: There is a circular reference involving the import of file "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\config.targets". This file may have been imported more than once, or you may have attempted to import the main project file. All except the first instance of this file will be ignored.
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.Versioning.Targets(5,10): warning MSB4011: There is a circular reference involving the import of file "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.BuildTasks.Targets". This file may have been imported more than once, or you may have attempted to import the main project file. All except the first instance of this file will be ignored.
"C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\XCore_WPF.sln" (Rebuild target) (1) ->
"C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\Controls\Controls_WPF.csproj" (Rebuild target) (4) ->
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.Versioning.Targets(4,10): warning MSB4011: There is a circular reference involving the import of file "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\config.targets". This file may have been imported more than once, or you may have attempted to import the main project file. All except the first instance of this file will be ignored.
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.Versioning.Targets(5,10): warning MSB4011: There is a circular reference involving the import of file "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.BuildTasks.Targets". This file may have been imported more than once, or you may have attempted to import the main project file. All except the first instance of this file will be ignored.
"C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\XCore_WPF.sln" (Rebuild target) (1) ->
"C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\Controls\Design\Controls.Design\Controls.Design.csproj" (Rebuild target) (5) ->
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.Versioning.Targets(4,10): warning MSB4011: There is a circular reference involving the import of file "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\config.targets". This file may have been imported more than once, or you may have attempted to import the main project file. All except the first instance of this file will be ignored.
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.Versioning.Targets(5,10): warning MSB4011: There is a circular reference involving the import of file "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.BuildTasks.Targets". This file may have been imported more than once, or you may have attempted to import the main project file. All except the first instance of this file will be ignored.
"C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\XCore_WPF.sln" (Rebuild target) (1) ->
"C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\Controls\Design\Controls.Design\Controls.Expression.Design.csproj" (Rebuild target) (6) ->
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.Versioning.Targets(4,10): warning MSB4011: There is a circular reference involving the import of file "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\config.targets". This file may have been imported more than once, or you may have attempted to import the main project file. All except the first instance of this file will be ignored.
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.Versioning.Targets(5,10): warning MSB4011: There is a circular reference involving the import of file "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.BuildTasks.Targets". This file may have been imported more than once, or you may have attempted to import the main project file. All except the first instance of this file will be ignored.
"C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\XCore_WPF.sln" (Rebuild target) (1) ->
"C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\Controls\Design\Controls.Design\Controls.VisualStudio.Design.4.0.csproj" (Rebuild target) (7) ->
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.Versioning.Targets(4,10): warning MSB4011: There is a circular reference involving the import of file "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\config.targets". This file may have been imported more than once, or you may have attempted to import the main project file. All except the first instance of this file will be ignored.
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.Versioning.Targets(5,10): warning MSB4011: There is a circular reference involving the import of file "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.BuildTasks.Targets". This file may have been imported more than once, or you may have attempted to import the main project file. All except the first instance of this file will be ignored.
"C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\XCore_WPF.sln" (Rebuild target) (1) ->
"C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\Controls\Design\Controls.Design\Controls.VisualStudio.Design.csproj" (Rebuild target) (8) ->
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.Versioning.Targets(4,10): warning MSB4011: There is a circular reference involving the import of file "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\config.targets". This file may have been imported more than once, or you may have attempted to import the main project file. All except the first instance of this file will be ignored.
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.Versioning.Targets(5,10): warning MSB4011: There is a circular reference involving the import of file "C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.BuildTasks.Targets". This file may have been imported more than once, or you may have attempted to import the main project file. All except the first instance of this file will be ignored.
"C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\XCore_WPF.sln" (Rebuild target) (1) ->
"C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Design\Core\Core.Design.csproj" (Rebuild target) (2) ->
"C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Design\Core\iejr3yn1.tmp_proj" (_CompileTemporaryAssembly target) (3) ->
(GenerateVersionInfoCore target) ->
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.Versioning.Targets(44,3): error MSB4062: The "GenerateReleaseVersionNumber" task could not be loaded from the assembly C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\.\Telerik.BuildTasks\Telerik.BuildTasks.dll. Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.BuildTasks\Telerik.BuildTasks.dll' or one of its dependencies. This assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime and cannot be loaded. Confirm that the <UsingTask> declaration is correct, and that the assembly and all its dependencies are available.
"C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\XCore_WPF.sln" (Rebuild target) (1) ->
"C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Design\Core\Core.Design.csproj" (Rebuild target) (2) ->
(MarkupCompilePass2 target) ->
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Design\Core\Themes\Generic.xaml(8,6): error MC3074: The tag 'PercentToDoubleConverter' does not exist in XML namespace 'clr-namespace:Telerik.Windows.Core.Design'. Line 8 Position 6.
"C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\XCore_WPF.sln" (Rebuild target) (1) ->
"C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\Controls\Controls_WPF.csproj" (Rebuild target) (4) ->
(GenerateVersionInfoCore target) ->
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.Versioning.Targets(44,3): error MSB4062: The "GenerateReleaseVersionNumber" task could not be loaded from the assembly C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\.\Telerik.BuildTasks\Telerik.BuildTasks.dll. Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.BuildTasks\Telerik.BuildTasks.dll' or one of its dependencies. This assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime and cannot be loaded. Confirm that the <UsingTask> declaration is correct, and that the assembly and all its dependencies are available.
"C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\XCore_WPF.sln" (Rebuild target) (1) ->
"C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\Controls\Design\Controls.Design\Controls.Design.csproj" (Rebuild target) (5) ->
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.Versioning.Targets(44,3): error MSB4062: The "GenerateReleaseVersionNumber" task could not be loaded from the assembly C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\.\Telerik.BuildTasks\Telerik.BuildTasks.dll. Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.BuildTasks\Telerik.BuildTasks.dll' or one of its dependencies. This assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime and cannot be loaded. Confirm that the <UsingTask> declaration is correct, and that the assembly and all its dependencies are available.
"C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\XCore_WPF.sln" (Rebuild target) (1) ->
"C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\Controls\Design\Controls.Design\Controls.Expression.Design.csproj" (Rebuild target) (6) ->
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.Versioning.Targets(44,3): error MSB4062: The "GenerateReleaseVersionNumber" task could not be loaded from the assembly C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\.\Telerik.BuildTasks\Telerik.BuildTasks.dll. Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.BuildTasks\Telerik.BuildTasks.dll' or one of its dependencies. This assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime and cannot be loaded. Confirm that the <UsingTask> declaration is correct, and that the assembly and all its dependencies are available.
"C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\XCore_WPF.sln" (Rebuild target) (1) ->
"C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\Controls\Design\Controls.Design\Controls.VisualStudio.Design.4.0.csproj" (Rebuild target) (7) ->
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.Versioning.Targets(44,3): error MSB4062: The "GenerateReleaseVersionNumber" task could not be loaded from the assembly C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\.\Telerik.BuildTasks\Telerik.BuildTasks.dll. Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.BuildTasks\Telerik.BuildTasks.dll' or one of its dependencies. This assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime and cannot be loaded. Confirm that the <UsingTask> declaration is correct, and that the assembly and all its dependencies are available.
"C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\XCore_WPF.sln" (Rebuild target) (1) ->
"C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Core\Controls\Design\Controls.Design\Controls.VisualStudio.Design.csproj" (Rebuild target) (8) ->
C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.Versioning.Targets(44,3): error MSB4062: The "GenerateReleaseVersionNumber" task could not be loaded from the assembly C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\.\Telerik.BuildTasks\Telerik.BuildTasks.dll. Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\RadControls_for_WPF_2011_1_0419_Source\Build\Telerik.BuildTasks\Telerik.BuildTasks.dll' or one of its dependencies. This assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime and cannot be loaded. Confirm that the <UsingTask> declaration is correct, and that the assembly and all its dependencies are available.
14 Warning(s)
7 Error(s)
Time Elapsed 00:00:02.57