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Browser Back Button

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David asked on 11 Jun 2013, 06:54 PM


I have a masterPageA and a contentPageB

on the master page i have

<script type="text/javascript">
        function noBack() {
<body onload="noBack();" onprerender="if (event.persisted) noBack();" onunload="">

The content page is of the structure
  <asp:Button Button1
  <asp:Button Button2 
When the button1 or button2 is clicked the table and the reportviewer update to show the
correct report. The reportviewer reports have only graph. The table shows the data. 

User action.

1) Home page
2) load the content page (default view is report A which corresponds to button 1)
3) clicks on button2
4) clicks on browser back button...

What Happens,
It gets back to the reportA but only the table has data in the report viewer 
I  get an error message

Report is unavailable or session has expired.

Please, refresh the page.

How do I solve this.


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