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Border style in table

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Adrián asked on 17 Jan 2019, 01:50 PM



I have a question about border style in dynamic table. See atach file. I need border only last row ( border the lower edge of the last dynamic line) Can this be set?



Adrián Petráš

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answered on 22 Jan 2019, 08:37 AM
Hi Adrián,

You can use the built-in functions Count() and RowNumber() inside the scope of the row group. If the count of the items in the group is equal to the current row number, this means you are positioned at the last row of the group where the bottom border should be.

In your case, the selected textbox (from the attached screen shot) should contain a conditional formatting rule with the following settings:
Expression: = Exec('rowGroup', Count(Fields.PartNumber))    //note: change the rowGroup with the current name of your group
Operator: =
Value: =RowNumber()

I also attached a sample report that demonstrates the approach. It is created with the Standalone Report Designer and could be opened with version R1 2019 or higher. I hope it helps.

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answered on 30 Jul 2019, 12:13 PM


I need advice again. I have a crosstable where I need a thick line every day. It appears correctly in one report, but not in another. I do not know where is the problem. Can you help me?

In the attachment pictures where the line is displayed correctly, incorrect and group settings.



Best regards


Adrián Petráš

Ivan Hristov
Telerik team
answered on 02 Aug 2019, 08:36 AM
Hello Adrián,

If you need to apply a specific styling when a group starts or ends, it's recommended to do it in the group header or footer. Table group footer is just a table row that is repeated after each group. For the current scenario you can set the bottom border to some thick line for all the cells in the group footer and it will be repeated after each group finishes.

You can also check the following documentation articles for more information:
Understanding table Cells, Rows and Columns
How to: Add groups to Table item and Crosstab item

I have prepared and attached a small example demonstrating this approach. Please examine it and let us know if you need further assistance.

Ivan Hristov
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answered on 05 Aug 2019, 12:08 PM

Thank You for answer. Your solution works but we cannot add rows to the cross-table. In Excel, we only need one line for each part number. Your solution adds a thin line which is undesirable.Is it possible to set the style through conditional formatting by modifying the expression in the first post? 

In the attachment I send details of the Group settings


Best regards

Adrián Petráš

Ivan Hristov
Telerik team
answered on 06 Aug 2019, 02:31 PM
Hello Adrián,

I'm not sure what do you mean by "we cannot add rows to the cross-table". You should always be able to add rows to the table by right-clicking the row headers (the leftmost part of the table) and select "Insert Row -> Above or Below, depending on the current selection. This will add a group header row that could be used for styling, as I suggested. In the previously attached .TRDX file I used 3pt for border width, but it can be set to a higher value, thus producing a thicker line.

I also thought that the thick line should appear per each day, and not per each part number, that's why I suggested to add a group header on date1 group. However, this solution can be applied to any group in the table.

If you have troubles achieving the desired layout with table, you can try to use nested report groups and apply styling on report group sections - usually this is the recommended approach when the report will show only tabular data from a single data source.

The border style can be set per each cell through conditional formatting. In order to create a line through the table, the same conditional formatting must be applied to all the cells in the table row.

Hope this helps.

Ivan Hristov
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