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Blank rows in Export to Excel with Subreport

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Hrushikesh Mokashi
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Hrushikesh Mokashi asked on 24 Dec 2009, 12:58 PM
Hi All,

I am using Q3 2008 version of Telerik Reporting.
I have 1 report which contains a subreport in it.
Subrport is for each row (e.g. For each Date field in main report I am showing events for the dates in the subreport below that row).

I have aligned the report and subreport properly.
When I do export to excel a blank row gets created between tow main report records event regardless of whether there is data exists in subreport or not.

(If subreport has multiple rows for a record then there is no blank row between s8ubreport records but still it shows a blank row between tow main report records).

If I remove subreport from the main report and do export to excel then there is no blank row betwen two records.

Is this a correct scnerio that if there is any subreport then it takes a row for that subreport?
If not then can anyone please let me knowm what could be missing?

Best Regards,

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Telerik team
answered on 04 Jan 2010, 09:46 AM
Hello Hrushikesh,

We suspect that you're talking about spacer rows which are created when the items in the report are not aligned properly - see Design Considerations for Excel Rendering topic for more info.
Usually the easiest way to detect where an empty space is coming from is to apply some background color to the report section/item. The SubReport item is a separate data region and as such it has groups and report header/footer - are those visible by any chance and create "an empty row"?

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answered on 30 Sep 2013, 07:21 AM
Hi Hrushikesh,
If you still facing the problem, you can try this.

You can set the height of the detail section in the report to  height that actual records takes
(details height = detailheight - subreport height)
if subreport has doesnt  have rows whils hiding the report also set the height..

this.detail.Height = Telerik.Reporting.Drawing.Unit.Inch(0.3D);
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Hrushikesh Mokashi
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