I had the problem of big PDF file size. I solved it by setting the FontEmbedding=None in the DeviceInfo HashTable.
The problem of the file size is solved, but after that in every report I get al least 2 blank pages before the effective report.
If I set the deviceInfo = null everything works fine.
The detailsSection.keeptogether is set to false and the report header is not visible.
If I open my report in the report viewer everything seems fine.
any suggestion?
Thank you.
I had the problem of big PDF file size. I solved it by setting the FontEmbedding=None in the DeviceInfo HashTable.
The problem of the file size is solved, but after that in every report I get al least 2 blank pages before the effective report.
If I set the deviceInfo = null everything works fine.
The detailsSection.keeptogether is set to false and the report header is not visible.
If I open my report in the report viewer everything seems fine.
any suggestion?
Thank you.