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Blank HTML Page Rendering

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Ali asked on 19 May 2009, 09:57 AM
Hello  I asked this question before but did not get any answer.I am stuck with this problem ,can you help me please ?
Can you  give me at least a clue to solve this problem ,I need help please

The problem

I have web site project and I wanted to test how I can use a class library in my project.
I created an aspx page in my website project and drag reportviewer user control of telerik reporting component.Then I references  telerik reporting sample projects DLL  (report library ) which comes with telerik installation .When I compile and run the page I saw a blank html page . on the top there is standard pager,zoom ,export tool bar but below there is no report content.When I  try the expot pdf or excel option of this toolbar ,I can see sample report  as a pdf or xls file.That means something prevent me to view html version of the report from my project.When I open sample web applciation projects in VB or C# ,I can run examples and see reports in reportview as HTML page.But in my project as i said when I add refernces and test I can not see the report as HTML .
I am pretty sure that I am binding reportviewer to correct report.AS I tried assigning both programatically and declaritively (from properties menu of reprotviewer user control).
In the light of above things ,what can be in my website project that prevent me to see  html report  ?
Thanks a lot

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Telerik team
answered on 19 May 2009, 01:42 PM
Hi Ali,

I've already answered your inquiry in the other forum thread you've opened. Please note that forum threads come with 72 hours response time according to your trial license and more over we do not guarantee a reply in a forum, although we do our best to answer all inquiries including forums. So we kindly ask you to restrain from opening multiple threads on the same matter, before the response time of the previous thread has ended is unnecessary.

Thank you for the understanding on the matter.

Sincerely yours,
the Telerik team

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