I have created a couple of reports using Telerik reports. All looked good so we have emailed them to customers.
Customers have replied saying that when they print them they get big black boxes or failure to print messages.
The customers are using Adobe but we have also found version 4 of foxit pdf reader has issues as well. The latest version of Foxit does print the reports.
The code is below that produces the pdf
I would have attached examples that you can print yourself to check but .pdf are not accepted. You can get them here http://dropcanvas.com/j10vd
What am I doing wrong? Obviously sending documents to customers that cannot be printed is not acceptable.
I have created a couple of reports using Telerik reports. All looked good so we have emailed them to customers.
Customers have replied saying that when they print them they get big black boxes or failure to print messages.
The customers are using Adobe but we have also found version 4 of foxit pdf reader has issues as well. The latest version of Foxit does print the reports.
The code is below that produces the pdf
Dim rptContract As New rptSinglePageContract
Dim rptProcessor As New Telerik.Reporting.Processing.ReportProcessor
Dim Contract() As Byte
rptContract.reportHeader.ConnectionString = GetSQLConnectionString()
rptContract.reportDetails.ConnectionString = GetSQLConnectionString()
rptContract.ReportParameters("ID").Value = m_contract.ID
Contract = rptProcessor.RenderReport("PDF", rptContract, Nothing).DocumentBytes
If printersettings.PrinterName <> "" Then
rptProcessor.PrintReport(rptContract, printersettings)
End If
IO.File.WriteAllBytes(outputcontractfilename, Contract)
I would have attached examples that you can print yourself to check but .pdf are not accepted. You can get them here http://dropcanvas.com/j10vd
What am I doing wrong? Obviously sending documents to customers that cannot be printed is not acceptable.